
I created the recipe for the vegan spiced pumpkin pie in collaboration with Veganz, hence, the recipe will be available on their website soon, too! Don’t worry if you do not have the “Golden Soul Curcuma Spice“ handy, the spiced pumpkin pie tastes equally delicious without the spice (or you could add a pinch of ground turmeric).


Have fun baking and indulging in the vegan pie!

Lea Lou


Vegan spiced pumpkin pie with whipped coconut cream

For one pie (24 cm).

For the crust:
200 g flour
1 pinch sea salt
125 g vegan butter (or coconut oil, not melted)
2–3 tbsp ice cold water

For the filling:
1 small Hokkaido squash (1 kg) (you’ll require 600 g pumpkin puree)
100 ml maple syrup
70 g brown sugar
150 ml full fat coconut milk
2 tbsp corn starch
Pulp of 1 vanilla bean
Zest of 1 unwaxed lemon
2 tsp Veganz Golden Soul Curcuma Spice
1 pinch ground cinnamon
1 pinch ground ginger
1 pinch around nutmeg

To serve (optionally):
Freshly whipped coconut cream
Fresh fruit, such as physalis

For the crust mix flour with salt, knead in the butter cube after cube. You are aiming for a very crumbly dough. Add 2–3 tablespoons of cold water, kneading, until the dough comes together and resembles a soft and chewy ball. Wrap the crust in clingfilm and cool for 30 minutes at least.

Preheat the oven to 200°C (upper and lower heat, 180°C fan). Lightly grease a 24-cm pie tin.

For the filling wash the squash, halve and deseed it, cut the flesh in bite-sized chunks. Cook the squash in boiling water until soft and tender, for approx. 15 minutes. Drain the water, add the squash to a food processor and pulse until it is a creamy puree.

Add maple syrup, sugar, coconut milk, corn starch, vanilla pulp, lemon zest, curcuma spice (if using) and the remaining spices to the squash, pulse again until all ingredients are well combined.

Between two layers of cling film, roll out the crust approximately 28 cm wide. Add the crust to the pie tin, and cut off any overlapping crust from the edge of the tin. Prick the crust with a fork several times.

Add the squash filling to the crust, and bake the pie for 50–60 minutes, until the filling has hardened and is a nice golden-yellow colour.

Remove the pie from the oven, allow to cool it in the tin, and serve it with whipped coconut cream and fresh fruit.




Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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