Last week my friend and photographer Claudia Simchen has initiated the first Let’s connect workshop in Frankfurt, and I had the honour to participate in the event with…
Monday morning, the “the-weekend-is-over” blues is heavy, your thirst for a good coffee huge… Why not head to EspressoEspresso on Braubachstraße, where you can provide a remedy for…
If you follow me on Instagram, you will have noticed that I am spending a good amount of time every week at the Frankfurt-based coffee roastery Hoppenworth &…
After a few busy-as-can-be weeks thankfully it’s all slowing down a bit after the opening of Balance Deli by Lea Lou last week. I hope to be able…
It’s getting a little private once again on the blog today: I am doing a (second*) house tour for you. The reason for that is because my friend…
It’s almost half a year ago that I moved to Frankfurt, voluntarily, nobody asked or forced me to it, and I also didn’t come for a job. I…