It’s getting a little private once again on the blog today: I am doing a (second*) house tour for you. The reason for that is because my friend Claudia Simchen took lovely photos of my place for the current issue of the magazine “Frankfurt du bist so wunderbar” a couple of months ago. Read more below: Home story – welcome to my home!



*I have added the little star here, because I have already given you a detailed house tour on Youtube a few months ago, including some notes on DIY projects I’ve been doing in my apartment.


You can read all about how I actually ended up in my apartment and why and how I live there in the current issue of “Frankfurt du bist so wunderbar”. Here and today I am sharing with you the images only – because they turned out too beautiful to not share them!

Lea Lou Home story

Fun fact: By now I do have a carpet for my side table, but I still live without chairs! Maybe that’s just how it is supposed to be – yes to kitchen parties, flying buffets and a dance floor in my living room.

Lea Lou Home story 1

I hope you enjoy the beautiful photos by my dear friend Claudia (you may want to have a look at her beautiful travel guide!).

And have a nice weekend everyone!

Lea Lou

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Lea Lou Home story 8

Photos (apart from featured photo): Claudia Simchen


Hey, ich bin Lea Lou, Food-Fotografin, Content-Kreateurin, Mama und Yoga-Lehrerin.

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