Are you ready to sweat? Tone your muscles? Stretch your body? Burn fat? We can do all that with an intense 25-minutes bootcamp yoga session which I have filmed in the beautiful Kaifu Lodge in Hamburg last week for you.
All you need to join the intense 25-minutes bootcamp yoga session is your mat and ideally an average to intermediate level of fitness; it also helps if you have practiced yoga before, otherwise the sequence could be a little too quick for you. However, as with all sessions I upload to my yoga playlist on Youtube, you can always adapt the sequence to your own needs and capabilities: reduce or increase the number of repetitions of the individual exercises, include a relaxing child’s pose here and there, add more “asanas” (poses) or leave some out.
Although this session will make you sweat and challenge your stamina, it should still feel good for you. I wouldn’t ever do anything I don’t enjoy, which is why I added lots of down dogs and the warrior sequence from traditional Ashtanga or Vinyasa yoga. However, the benefits of this intense bootcamp yoga session is, as opposed to a “normal” yoga flow, are flexibility, stamina and fat burn.
Get your mats on the floor, and then let’s do this! …And don’t be turned off by the images below, they have nothing to do with the bootcamp yoga session!
Lea Lou
Video and images by Sebastian Friedrich. A special thanks to Kaifu Lodge for the gorgeous location!