Most people know how much I love Hamburg and that I dream of living there again one day.. Sadly, my visits have become rarer since the birth of Antonia. However, I am returning to my favorite city for a weekend in November, and have found out earlier this week that on that very same weekend, also The Family Circle will host its second event, this time under the motto: “The Family Circle goes Christmas”. I am giving away two all access tickets for both days!
I have already been a guest of last year’s first event of The Family Circle, in October 2018, five months pregnant back then and already pretty busy with my nest building activities. I have told you about the event here and have summed it up here.
On the 23rd and 24th November 2019, The Family Circle goes Christmas will take place at Edelfettwerk Hamburg, a shopping event with 100 brands, workshops for parents, a Christmas bakery for the children as well as a teller of fairytales, a painting and music station for the little ones.

I am particularly excited about the variety of workshops, among others the discussed topics will be baby massage, cloth diapers, “instructions” for a “merry mindful Christmas”, tipps for relaxed couples and parents as well as women as founders, with a workshop called “women found differently”, which I cannot wait to hear!
Here you can see a full list of all workshops:
More about the itinerary as well as the participating brands and sellers are written down here:

I am very excited to be giving away two all access tickets for both days, worth 20,-€ each! To win one of the tickets, please send me an email to with the subject „The Family Circle goes Christmas“, with your name and address until midnight of the 9th November 2019. I will notify the winners via email on the 10th November 2019!
Good luck and lots of fun at The Family Circle goes Christmas!
Lea Lou

All images are by Sarah Buth Fotografie.
Teilnahmebedingungen für die Verlosung:
Teilnahmeschluss ist der 09.11.2019 um 24 Uhr. Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle Personen, außer Mitarbeiter der beteiligten Firmen und deren Angehörige. Teilnahmeberechtigt ist jeder ab 18 Jahren mit Ausnahme der o.g. Personen. Die Auswahl der Teilnehmer liegt im freien Ermessen von Lea Lou und The Family Circle. Der/die Gewinner/in wird per E-Mail informiert und erhält vom Aktionspartner per Email das Ticket. Eine Barauszahlung des Gewinn- bzw. Produktwertes ist nicht möglich. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.